April 2011

  • Wednesday, 6. April 2011 - 19:30
    Expeditions: Theatre today: Roland Schimmelpfennig meets Simon Stephens
    Δ Expeditions: Theatre today: Roland Schimmelpfennig meets Simon Stephens

    For the first time, two of the most popular contemporary dramatists meet on stage and talk about theatre today. Moderated by Oliver Reese, director
    of the Schauspiel Frankfurt.
    In English. Tickets 12/8 Euros. www.schauspielfrankfurt.de or  069 212 49494. Information on 069 212 45115 / 212 38933.


  • Wednesday, 13. April 2011 - 19:00
    6000 Collectors. Experimental talks with Objects: Thomas Bayrle
    Δ 6000 Collectors. Experimental talks with Objects

    Thomas Bayrle, artist and former professor at the Städelschule, tells us about his four week residency in the Weltkulturen Labor and recalls his father Alf Bayrle (*1900), who travelled to Africa in the 1930s as the official artist of the Frankfurt Völkerkundemuseum.

    Free entry.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 20. April 2011 to Thursday, 26. May 2011
    GREEN ROOM: Dan Rees

    Green Room is a project space in the Weltkulturen Labor curated by artist Shane Munro. It takes its cue from special effects studios and defines the place where performers spend their final minutes before they go on stage. Artists invited to the Green Room are asked to respond to the collections of the Museum. The first artist in the Green Room is Dan Rees (*1982 Swansea). Rees has produced new work entirely constructed from elements taken from the Africa collection, storerooms and image archive.

    The first artist to enter the Green Room is Dan Rees (*1982 Swansea, UK). Rees lives and works in Berlin. He studied at the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste
    Städelschule in Frankfurt 2007 - 2009.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
    Thursday-Sunday 12-6pm, and by appointment. Infos 069 212 31003/ 212 45115.
