November 2011

  • Thursday, 3. November 2011 - 12:00
    The World in a Spoon: The King’s Favourite Food with Hans Zimmermann
    Δ The King’s Favourite Food

    With his documentary film “Tabaski”, anthropologist and master butcher Hans Zimmermann invites seminar participants to a three-day celebration at the court of the ruler of the Tenkodogo in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Zimmermann provides an insight into current social structures in Burkina Faso and discusses issues surrounding the shift from ceremonial to commercial animal slaughter.

    Cost: 12€/6€

  • Saturday, 5. November 2011 - 12:00
    The World in a Spoon: Feast of the Pig with Dr. Thomas Michel, Dr. Eva Raabe and Hans Zimmermann
    Δ Feast of the Pig

    Anthropologist and master butcher Hans Zimmermann builds an earth-oven in which to cook taro, sweet potatoes and cuts of pork wrapped in banana leaves. Food for thought is provided by Dr. Eva Raabe with an introduction into the basic diet and culinary traditions of Papua New Guinea. Prof. Dr. Thomas Michel, former director of the Linden Museum in Stuttgart, will screen his documentary film on the Nalumin Pig Ceremony. Enough to whet everyone’s appetite and round off the workshop with food prepared earlier.

    Cost: 36€/18€

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 9. November 2011 - 19:00
    The World in a Spoon: Performance by Phyllis Kiehl
    Δ "No Entry"

    Artist and writer Phyllis Kiehl reads from her novel “Fettberg” (“Fat Mountain Scenes”): TheSouth Weiko Fasting Clinic is completely cut off from the outside world. Inside the clinic, a group of morbidly obese patients undergo a therapy that does not necessarily lead to conventional results – until the new consultant Dr. Ariel Tense arrives with a motivational trainer from a Brazilian clinic in tow. Nasty to the bone, he has some new and highly effective methods in mind. 


    Weltkulturen Labor
    Schaumainkai 37

  • Thursday, 10. November 2011 - 17:00
    Guided Tour of the Library
    Δ Guided Tour of the Library

    Take a look behind the scenes at the Weltkulturen Museum’s library and discover the newly redesigned Library space, the latest publications, current art magazines in different languages from around the world, as well as leading books on anthropology, religion, art and design, architecture and cultural studies.

    Booking: 069 212 45115

    Weltkulturen Museum
    Schaumainkai 35

  • Thursday, 17. November 2011 - 17:00
    Guided Tour of the Americas Collection with Dr. Mona Suhrbier
    Δ Guided Tour of the Americas Collection

    Take a closer look behind the scenes at the Weltkulturen Museum and discover some fascinating artefacts with our Research Curator Dr. Mona Suhrbier.

    Booking: 069 212 45115

    Borsigallee 8

  • Wednesday, 23. November 2011 - 19:00
    The World in a Spoon: Gastrosophic aesthetics and the role of food in contemporary art. Lecture with Dr. Harald Lemke
    Δ Gastrosophic aesthetics and the role of food in contemporary art

    Until now, food has rarely featured as the subject of philosophical aesthetics. This is all the more remarkable given that the very word “taste” has been so central to the history of ideas since Kant, and because various forms of interventionist art practice have dealt with this theme. Dr. Lemke offers a closer look at debates surrounding the art of eating.

    Free Entry

    Weltkulturen Labor
    Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 30. November 2011 - 19:00
    The World in a Spoon: Sense or Sensibility. Lecture with Arpad Dobriban
    Δ Taste: Sense or Sensibility?

    To explore the world is primarily to tests its edibility. All available materials are tested in various different states (very fresh, raw or cooked, fermented, frozen, pulped, etc.) to ascertain whether they constitute for us suitable material for survival.

    The two categories into which we divide the world are: edible / inedible. In order to be able to make this most important of decisions, we need to make use of criteria that each person must develop for him or herself. Arpad Dobriban will not only touch on these theoretical issues in his lecture. He will also present a few samples he has made himself and that allow us to physically experience his deliberations for ourselves.

    For more than 20 years, cooking has been at the heart of Arpad Dobriban’s work as an artist.

    Free Entry

    Weltkulturen Labor
    Schaumainkai 37
