June 2012

  • Tuesday, 5. June 2012 - 15:00 to 16:00
    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Vanessa von Gliszczynski, Curator South East Asia.
    Δ Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Vanessa von Gliszczynski, Curator South East Asia.

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition 5 €, reduced 2,50 €

  • Tuesday, 12. June 2012 - 15:00 to 16:00
    Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Yvette Mutumba, Curator Africa.
    Δ Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Yvette Mutumba, Curator Africa.

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition 5 €, reduced 2,50 €

  • Wednesday, 13. June 2012 - 18:00 to 19:00
    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Stephanie Endter, Director of Education.
    Δ Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Stephanie Endter, Director of Education.

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition 5 €, reduced 2,50 €

  • Thursday, 14. June 2012 - 17:00 to 18:00
    Guided tour of the Southeast Asia collection with Vanessa von Gliszczynski.
    Δ Guided tour of the Southeast Asia collection

    Take a closer look behind the scenes at the Weltkulturen Museum and discover some fascinating artefacts with our Research Curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski.

    Limited number of participants.

    Booking: 069 212 45115
    Entrance 5€ / reduced 2€

    Borsigallee 8, Frankfurt
    U-Bahn Stop Gwinnerstraße

  • Saturday, 16. June 2012 - 12:00 to 16:00
    The World in a Spoon: "From Papeda to Padang"
    Δ The World in a Spoon: "From Papeda to Padang"

    Vanessa von Gliszczynski, Research Curator, and Mario Schmidt, gastro-anthropologist, discuss the culinary map of Indonesia and ask whether such a thing as Indonesian cuisine actually exists. Under the supervision of Chaterina Sumera from Ambon, the subsequent cookery workshop offers practice-based answers to this question.

    Vanessa von Gliszczynski worked at the German Embassy in Jakarta between 2008 and 2010, and is currently Research Curator for the Southeast Asia collection at the Weltkulturen Museum.

    Mario Schmidt is an anthropologist and researcher at the doctoral program “Value and Equivalence” at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His gastro-anthropological research focuses on alimentary processes of transformation and the notion of cuisine.

    Chaterina Sumera was born in Ambon and has lived in Frankfurt for the past 40 years where she worked as a nurse until her recent retirement.

    Curated by Sebastian Schellhaas, gastroanthropologist.


    Limited number of participants.

    Fee: €36 / €18

    Registration at or on 069 212 35789.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37, Frankfurt

  • Saturday, 16. June 2012 - 12:00 to 16:00
    The World in a Spoon: "From Papeda to Padang"
    Δ The World in a Spoon: "From Papeda to Padang"

    Vanessa von Gliszczynski, Research Curator, and Mario Schmidt, gastro-anthropologist, discuss the culinary map of Indonesia and ask whether such a thing as Indonesian cuisine actually exists. Under the supervision of Chaterina Sumera from Ambon, the subsequent cookery workshop offers practice-based answers to this question.

    Vanessa von Gliszczynski worked at the German Embassy in Jakarta between 2008 and 2010, and is currently Research Curator for the Southeast Asia collection at the Weltkulturen Museum.

    Mario Schmidt is an anthropologist and researcher at the doctoral program “Value and Equivalence” at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His gastro-anthropological research focuses on alimentary processes of transformation and the notion of cuisine.

    Chaterina Sumera was born in Ambon and has lived in Frankfurt for the past 40 years where she worked as a nurse until her recent retirement.

    Curated by Sebastian Schellhaas, gastroanthropologist.


    Limited number of participants.

    Fee: €36 / €18

    Registration at or on 069 212 35789.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37, Frankfurt

  • Wednesday, 20. June 2012 - 18:00 to 19:00
    Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Dr. Eva Raabe, Curator Oceania
    Δ Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Dr. Eva Raabe, Curator Oceania

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition € 5, reduced € 2,50

  • Saturday, 23. June 2012 - 12:00 to 16:00
    The World in a Spoon: „Food Archetypes“
    Δ The World in a Spoon: „Food Archetypes“

    Looking at the various meals of the cuisines of this world, one can recognise basic forms, which individual foods can be attributed to. Dieter Froelich (restauration-a-a-o.de), artist and representative of purist culinary practice, has developed the concept of „Food Archetypes“. In his cookery seminar he takes a look at a dish from the “mixing and chopping” food group: the pudding.

    Dieter Froelich (restauratio-a-a-o.de) studied sculpture at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main, where he visited the cooking seminars of Peter Kubelka. He is the lecturer for cooking as an art form and has been organising Restauration a.a.O. since 2003.

    Curated by Sebastian Schellhaas, gastroanthropologist.


    Limited number of participants.

    Fee: 36€/18€

    Registration on T +49 (0)69 212 35789 or at


    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37, Frankfurt

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37, Frankfurt

  • Tuesday, 26. June 2012 - 15:00 to 16:00
    Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Nikola Klein, Curator Americas.
    Δ Expert Guided Tour, Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    The exhibition “Object Atlas – Fieldwork in the Museum” examines which forms an artistic involvement with anthropological objects can take in a museum today. The exhibition presents objects from the collection of the Weltkulturen Museum plus new works produced by seven international artists. Instead of travelling to far-away lands, the artists undertook fieldwork expeditions in the Weltkulturen Labor at Schaumainkai 37.

    During their investigation of the collection’s objects, the artists were accompanied by the research curators of each collection from their first visit to the museum stores to the presentation of the newly produced works in the exhibition.

    In the context of the Expert tours you will gain insight into the scientific research conducted in the museum, the production process of the exhibition and inside information.

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition € 5, reduced € 2,50

  • Tuesday, 26. June 2012 - 19:00
    Lecture: Buki Akib (Lagos / London): “RHYTHM AND STYLE – Musical Instruments from around the World and their Influence on Fashion”
    Δ Lecture: Buki Akib (Lagos / London): “RHYTHM AND STYLE – Musical Instruments from around the World and their Influence on Fashion”

    Buki Akib talks about her work, discuss her relation to the artefacts in the collection and their experiences in the Weltkulturen Labor during their residencies.

    The label Buki Akib combines traditional knitting methods with African fabrics. This creates new elegant and dynamic textiles. All pieces by Buki Akib are produced in London as well as Lagos. Buki Akib is inspired by the groundbreaking musician Fela Kuti, the legendary protagonist of the Afro Beat movement in the 70s that dominated the music scene in Lagos.

    In her presentation she discusses the influence of musical instruments and specific musical styles on her creative process. She will speak about her collaboration with rap musicians such as Shabazz Palaces, who combine the innovative with the nostalgic through the use of African instruments.

    Presentations with objects from the collection and films. In English.

    Entrance €3 incl. refreshments.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37, Frankfurt

  • Wednesday, 27. June 2012 - 18:00 to 19:00
    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Nina Tebati, culture anthropologist.
    Δ Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum"

    Guided Tours Exhibition "Object Atlas- Fieldwork in the Museum" by Nina Tebati, culture anthropologist.

    Schaumainkai 29. Paricipacion for visitors to the exhibition is free of charge. Entry exhibition € 5, reduced € 2,50
