February 2013

  • Tuesday, 5. February 2013 - 19:00
    “Global Sub-Cultures”
    Δ ARTE FILM SCREENINGS “Global Sub-Cultures”

    As part of “TRADING STYLE”, and in collaboration with ARTE, the Weltkulturen Museum presents three evenings dedicated to screenings of documentaries on global style.

    “T-Shirt Stories: Cotton, Art & Fun”
    by Dimitri Pailhe and Julien Potart, ARTE France 2011, 60 mins.

    “Out in the Streets. Eine Geschichte der Streetwear”
    by Rolf S. Wolkenstein, ARTE/ZDF 1996, 37 mins.

    Entrance free.
    All films in German.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 6. February 2013 - 19:00
    "Collection of the Collection“
    Edition jewellery by Saskia Diez
    Δ WELTKULTUREN LIMITED EDITION "Collection of the Collection“

    Designer Saskia Diez presents a new collection of limited edition jewellery inspired by objects from the exhibition “TRADING STYLE – Weltmode im Dialog”. She makes particular reference to the magical properties and healing functions of jewellery and translates these into her own aesthetic idiom.

    After completing her training as a goldsmith, Saskia Diez studied industrial design. Her jewellery was awarded the "Premium Fashion Award" for the best new accessory collection of the fall/winter 2009/2010 season at the Premium fashion fair in the context of the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin. Forthe bag series PAPIER Saskia Diez won the Designpreis Deutschland 2010.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Thursday, 7. February 2013 - 19:00


    Opening (during Rundgang of Städelschule):

    An exhibition of the Architecture & Critical Spatial Practice Class, Städelschule Frankfurt conceived by Guest Professor Markus Miessen with Iva Baljkas, Christoph Esser,Matthias Görlich, Flaka Haliti, Armin Linke and Joel Roy.

    Within the framework of “Theatrum Mundi/Global Street”, initiated and led by Prof. Richard Sennett and Prof. Saskia Sassen,the Weltkulturen Museum invited Markus Miessen and the Architecture & Critical Spatial Practice (ACSP)classof the Städelschule to contextualize their research on the spatialization of (in)formal trade in Frankfurt basing their inquiries on the history of the museum and its complex connections to local and global commerce. This research involved mapping the various locations of the museum’s collections within Frankfurt. The outcomes of these investigations are showcased in the exhibition “Stealth Architecture” presented in the museum’s project space, the Green Room.

    The research and exhibition of the Architecture & Critical Spatial Practice Class feeds into the development of the next major exhibition at the Weltkulturen Museum: “Ware und Wissen / Gift, Legacy, Acquisition, Exchange” (2013-2014). Analysing the diverse relationships that have determined different strategies of acquisition and appropriation, as well as methods employed in the administration of ‘foreign’ objects the exhibition aims to recast the history of the museum’s ethnographic collection. It seeks to raise critical awareness of the contexts, access to, and re-organisation of knowledge based on artefacts gathered from different parts of the world.




    Until 10th March 2013

    Weltkulturen Labor, Green Room

    Schaumainkai 37, 60594 Frankfurt

    Tue-Sun 11am-6pm, Wed 11am-8pm

    €3 / reduced €1.50

    Green Room, Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Tuesday, 12. February 2013 - 19:00
    „Made in…“

    As part of “TRADING STYLE”, and in collaboration with ARTE, the Weltkulturen Museum presents three evenings dedicated to screenings of documentaries on global style.

    “Sündige Maschen made in Polen”
    by Dorothe Dörhdt, ARTE/ZDF 2006, 26 mins.

    “Planet Jeans: ganz in Blau”
    by Thierry Aguila, ARTE France 2010, 55 mins.


    Entrance free.
    All films in German.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Thursday, 14. February 2013 - 19:00
    "Remaking South Africa’s Museums after Apartheid: Colonial Legacies and Knowledge Contestations in Public Culture" by Prof Dr. Ciraj Rassool, Department of History, University of the Western Cape
    Δ TALK

    "Remaking South Africa’s Museums after Apartheid: Colonial Legacies and Knowledge Contestations in Public Culture"

    by Prof Dr. Ciraj Rassool
    Department of History, University of the Western Cape

    Against the backdrop of wider debates and international contestations within museums on histories of colonialism and collecting and legacies of ethnography, this talk examines the transformation of museums in South Africa after apartheid. Established museums, with evolutionary legacies and colonial taxonomies, have questioned their classificatory systems, becoming a terrain of significant epistemic contestation that has transcended mere institutional reordering. In the main national museum, Iziko Museums of South Africa, the earlier division between cultural history and ethnography has been discarded, posing interesting challenges for new museologies beyond conventional museum categories. New museum spaces, such as the District Six Museum in Cape Town, have also emerged as significant arenas in which the concepts of museum, exhibition, collection and expertise have been questioned. This museum has become an independent, secular site of engagement, a hybrid space of research, representation and pedagogy, which has brokered and mediated relations of knowledge and different kinds of cultural practice. From the perspective of public scholarship, this talk examines these processes of museum reorientation with reference to critical moments in South African public culture such as the exhibition ‘Miscast’ (1996), the closure of the Khoisan diorama in 2001, and the return of the human remains of Klaas and Trooi Pienaar to South Africa from Vienna in 2012.

    Ciraj Rassool is associate professor at the Department of History, and acting Co-Director of the Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape.
    Among other works he is the author of Skeletons in the Cupboard: South African Museums and the Trade in Human Remains, 1907-1917, Cape Town and Kimberley: South African Museum and McGregor Museum, 2000 (with Martin Legassick); Recalling Community in Cape Town: Creating and Curating the District Six Museum, Cape Town: District Six Museum, 2001 (co-edited with Sandra Prosalendis); Museum Frictions: Global Transformations/Public Cultures, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006 (co-edited with Ivan Karp, Corinne A Kratz, Lynn Szwaja, and Tomás Ybarra-Frausto).

    In English.
    €3 / reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Tuesday, 19. February 2013 - 19:00
    “From Head to Tail”
    Δ ARTE FILM SCREENINGS “From Head to Tail”

    As part of “TRADING STYLE – Weltmode im Dialog”, and in collaboration with ARTE, the Weltkulturen Museum presents three evenings dedicated to screenings of documentaries on global style. On Tuesday, 19th February “From Head to Toe” presents two films that look at traditions of hairstyling and dress in Mali and India respectively.

    “Afrikanische Schönheiten. Kunst am Haar in Mali”
    Documentary by Désirée von Trotha and Michael Wolff, ARTE/ZDF 2010, 43 min.

    “Der Sari, ein Rausch der Farben”
    Documentary by Susanne Brand, ARTE/ZDF 2009, 43 min.


    In collaboration with ARTE.

    Entrance free.
    All films in German.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 27. February 2013 - 19:00
    “Stealth Architecture”
    With the Architecture & Critical Spatial Practice Class, Städelschule Frankfurt and Guest Professor Markus Miessen
    Δ “Stealth Architecture”

    Architecture & Critical Spatial Practice Class, Städelschule Frankfurt – Guest Professor Markus Miessen with Iva Baljkas, Matthias Görlich and Joel Roy.

    For a year the „Architecture and Critical Spatial Practice“(ACSP) Class 2012/2013 examines questions and phenomena of the spatialisation of(in)formal trade. The group analyses the specific urban realities of the 21st century, potentials of exchange and trade, as well as the objects and spaces that these elements produce. The city of Frankfurt serves as a key example for the circulation of material and immaterial goods. The historical context of the investigation is based on the history of the Weltkulturen Museum and its complex relations with local and global trade. First research results of the ACSP class are currently presented in the exhibition “Stealth Architecture” in the Museum’s project space, the Green Room.

    In their presentation, Guest Professor Markus Miessen, Iva Baljkas, Matthias Görlich and Joel Roy will go into the historic references and offer insights into the development process of the project.

    They will also comment on the first results of their site-specific investigations, which are on display in the Green Room. These attempt to visualise the unseen through the mapping of (in)formal trade and analysis of the spatialisation of trade-related phenomena in the Münchner Straße of the Bahnhofsviertel and the positioning of the various data centres based in Frankfurt.

    „Stealth Architecture“ is a collaboration of the Weltkulturen Museum and the Städelschule within the framework of Theatrum Mundi/Global Street.



    €3 / reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
