July 2013

  • Wednesday, 10. July 2013 - 19:00
    An exhibition of contemporary ethnographic and artistic practice by former and current Städelschule art students from the classes of Douglas Gordon, Judith Hopf and Simon Starling.


    Copyright John Skoog, Apollo


    With Christin Berg (DE), Benedikte Bjerre (DK), Andreas Bülow Cosmus (DK), Oscar Carlson (SE), Ian Edmonds (CA), Natasja Loutchko (SE), John Skoog (SE), Giovanni Sortino (IT) and Marcello Spada (IT).

    An exhibition of contemporary ethnographic and artistic practice by former and current Städelschule students.

    In the spring 2013, nine artists spent a month at the Villa Lugaresi in Bellaria, a small town on the Adriatic coast, to re-open "Cinema-Teatro Apollo", a former picture-house. Together with the town of Bellaria, the cinema and villa have undergone several transformations over the last 100 years. In re-opening the cinema, the group attempts to let different changes and times collapse and overlap.

    The exhibition in the Weltkulturen Labor proposes a performative approach to displaying research, fieldwork and objects. A publication is produced and bound on site in the Green Room. Each copy has a different page order and creates new juxtapositions and ways of understanding the material. This process is intended to remediate the original fieldwork that took place in Bellaria in the Apollo cinema.

    In cooperation with the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste – Städelschule.
    Supported by Bernbeck-Stiftung und Städelschule Portikus e.V.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Green Room
    Schaumainkai 37, 60594 Frankfurt
    Tue-Sun 11am-6pm, Wed 11am-8pm

    Until 11th August 2013

    Green Room, Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
    Opening hours as Museum.
    Until 11th August 2013

  • Wednesday, 24. July 2013 - 19:00
    “Money Talks”
    Minerva Cuevas (Mexico) on her research at the museum centered around notions of value, money and capital.
    Δ TALK

    “Money Talks”

    Minerva Cuevas (Mexico)

    Minerva Cuevas works at the interface between art and socio-political critique. Her work includes installations, videos and photography.

    In her illustrated talk, Minerva Cuevas speaks about her research into the Weltkulturen Museum’s collections centered around notions of value, the use of “primitive” currencies and our contemporary ritual relationship to money and capital.

    A new work by Cuevas will be presented as part of the forthcoming exhibition at the museum.

    Minerva Cuevas lives and works in Mexico City. Her practice is characterised by socially engaged projects and site-specific actions. Her works allow the audience an insight into the complexities of  the economic and political organization of the social sphere and the gaps in its structures. She has had solo exhibitions in the Museo de la Ciudad de México (2012), Van Abbemuseum (Netherlands 2008), Kunsthalle Basel (Switzerland 2007) and has taken part in recent exhibitions at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, (Austria 2013), Centre Pompidou (Paris 2010), Whitechapel Art Gallery (London 2010). She was granted the DAAD residency in Berlin in 2004. www.minervacuevas.org

    Click here for more infos on Minerva Cueva's.

    In English.
    €3 / reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
