September 2014

  • Wednesday, 17. September 2014 - 18:00
    “Commodity & Value. Parallels between the Department Store and the Museum”
    Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn, anthropologist, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

    Circuits of Frankfurt Trade

    “Commodity & Value. Parallels between the Department Store and the Museum”
    Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn, anthropologist, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

    This opening event of the Weltkulturen Evening School will address issues around the values ascribed to objects. Only when an object’s value is clear can it become a commodity, and only then can we know for whom it has become “consumable”. In the course of a tour of the exhibition “FOREIGN EXCHANGE”, Prof. Hans Peter Hahn will explain how value is generated. He will ask where the common ground and distinctions lie between ethnographic objects in a museum collection and goods in a department store. He will also discuss the wide range of different meanings that objects have in their original contexts, and the transformation of value and meaning that happens when things become “mobile objects” and move across cultural frontiers with apparent ease.

    Airport, Stock Exchange, Zeil - where and how do commodities, people and capital circulate in Frankfurt? What is my individual involvement in this circulation of trade? What do I consume and what has value for me? Through lectures, excursions, and films we explore and understand the possibilities and limits of our own participation.

    In German.
    €7, reduced €3.50
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Thursday, 18. September 2014 - 19:00
    “How Objects Enter the Museum. Anthropological Context, Museum Significance, and the Question of Repatriation”
    Dr. Eva Raabe (Research Curator Oceania)

    Circuits of Frankfurt Trade

    “How Objects Enter the Museum. Anthropological Context, Museum Significance, and the Question of Repatriation”
    Dr. Eva Raabe (Research Curator Oceania)

    Donating, swapping, confiscating, stealing, buying, souvenir-collecting – the paths by which objects enter the ethnographic museum are as diverse as the people who encounter each other through giving and receiving them. A market for ethnographic artefacts has arisen, and it is by no means determined by Europeans alone: indigenous suppliers often deliberately manipulate it as well. The call for museum objects to be repatriated, for example, is used as a political resource by many indigenous groups today.
    During a tour around the Oceania stores, examples from Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Polynesian Islands will illustrate the diversity of different motivations for parting with objects, collecting them, and demanding their return.

    Airport, Stock Exchange, Zeil - where and how do commodities, people and capital circulate in Frankfurt? What is my individual involvement in this circulation of trade? What do I consume and what has value for me? Through lectures, excursions, and films we explore and understand the possibilities and limits of our own participation.

    In German.
    €5, reduced €2.50
    max. 15 participants, registration necessary
    Meet at the Weltkulturen Museum depot, Borsigallee 8 (U4, U7 stop: Gewinnerstraße)

  • Friday, 26. September 2014 - 18:00
    film screenings and discussions
    "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow – let them swing!
    Why the films of Margaret Raspé are still relevant today."
    Δ film screenings and discussions

    "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow – let them swing! Why the films of Margaret Raspé are still relevant today"

    Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V. at the Weltkulturen Museum

    Inspired by the Fluxus and Action Art of the 1960s, Margaret Raspé created performative films using a camera helmet. With the artist’s participation, this series presents Raspé’s works, discusses her themes of socially invisible work such as housework, and provides context through films by Laura Padgett, Sasha Pirker, Tamara Grcic, Maya Deren, Jean Rouch, Dora Maurer, Valie Export, Adolf Winkelmann, Friedl vom Gröller, Joyce Wieland and other artists.

    Margaret Raspé, born in Breslau (Worclaw) in 1933, trained as a dressmaker in Bonn and from 1954 to 1957 studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the Berlin University of Fine Arts. She first worked as a fashion designer, resuming her artistic work in 1971 with the camera helmet films. From then on, she participated in numerous performances and exhibitions, including Unbeachtete Produktionsformen (1982).

    Programme created by Madeleine Bernstorff (lecturer in film, Berlin), Karola Gramann (artistic director, Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V., Frankfurt) and Heide Schlüpmann (film theorist, Frankfurt) in cooperation with Gunter Deller (programme curator, mal seh’n cinema, Frankfurt) and Alice Pawlik (Image Archive, Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt)

    fri., 26 sept.
    6 p.m.
    “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow”
    counterplanning from the kitchen
    Felicita Reuschling, Fabian Tietke, Rebecca Wilbertz (Berlin)

    With screening of Often During the Day
    Joanna Davis, GB 1979, colour, 16 min., 16 mm.

    8.30 p.m.
    “Semiotics of the Kitchen”
    Introduced by Madeleine Bernstorff, Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann

    sat., 27 sept.
    4 p.m.
    “Margaret Raspé in the Avant-garde of the 1970s”
    Hemma Schmutz, art historian and curator (Vienna)

    “With the Camera Helmet”
    Margaret Raspé will be present

    7 p.m.
    “Body <–> Apparatus”
    Introduced by Sasha Pirker, artist and film-maker (Vienna)

    9 p.m.
    “Rituals 1”
    Introduced by Ute Holl, film scholar (Basle)

    sun., 28 sept.
    1 p.m.
    “Rituals 2”
    Anastenária – Das Fest der Feuerläufer von Lagadás
    Margaret Raspé, Ger 1978–82, colour, sound, 90 min., Super 8
    Margaret Raspé in conversation with Ute Holl, film scholar (Basle) and Rembert Hüser, media scholar (Frankfurt)

    Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V. and Madeleine Bernstorff are guests at the Weltkulturen Museum. In cooperation with Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V. (Berlin) and Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen (Berlin). Technology: Fritz Mettal Film- und Kinotechnik. Information on the programme at

    All events in are German
    Admission: €5 / reduced €2.50 per event
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
