Tuesday, 22. April 2025 - 19:00
∇ Ulli Lust reads from “Die Frau als Mensch”. A collaboration between the series “stories+strips” and the Weltkulturen MuseumΔ READING AND TALKUlli Lust reads from “Die Frau als Mensch” at the Weltkulturen Museum
Moderated by Jakob HoffmannIn books about the Stone Age, we mostly see men hunting, making tools or painting in caves. Most of the pictures of humans that have survived from the Ice Age show women. What kind of societies were these that portrayed them and their gender so centrally and without shame?
Ulli Lust is one of the most renowned representatives of German-language comics and recently exhibited works at the Center Pompidou (Paris). Austrian comic maker made her debut with “Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest meines Lebens” and presents her first non-fiction comic with “Die Frau als Mensch”.
The event series “stories+strips” is supported by the Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.
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Venue: Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 37
Admission: 5 euros, 2.50 reduced
With registration, remaining tickets at the box office