May 2013

  • Saturday, 4. May 2013 - 19:00 to Sunday, 5. May 2013 - 02:00
    Guided Tours of the exhibition "Trading Style"
    "Hair Base" at the Weltkulturen Museum
    ARTE Film Screening "Kleider und Leute"

    "Hair Base" at the Weltkulturen Museum
    Weltkulturen Education, Schaumainkai 29, 2nd Floor

    For the Night of the Museums, Bob sets up his unique hairdressing salon “Hair Base” at the Weltkulturen Museum, and offers styling, cuts and braids to visitors. “Hair Base” is a very special place located in Frankfurt’s Gallus district that focuses on individual beauty. In an altogether personal atmosphere, surrounded by a collection of Afro-American antiquities, Bob, alias F. Kebede, holds all the threads in his hands. Born in Eritrea, he was sent by his parents to Germany at the age of 11, learnt his profession from a hairdresser in the PX-Store, a former shopping centre for American military personnel and their relatives, where he worked for almost ten years. Bob speaks four languages fluently and describes his Barber Shop as a centre for multicultural communication. Here, immigrants from Africa and exiles from the United States find a piece of home. Meantime, more and more Germans are also finding their way to Bob’s place.

    Appointments can be made on the night, at the museum, between 7.30pm and 10pm.

    Guided tours of the exhibition "TRADING STYLE"
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

    Discover Global Street Styles from Black Forest wedding hats to ceremonial dress from the Highlands of New Guinea in a creative dialogue with more than 500 historical objects, photographs and films from the museum’s collection plus new designs by international fashion labels: Buki Akib (NG), A Kind of Guise (DE), CassettePlaya (UK) and P.A.M./Perks and Mini (AU).
    Artistic Director: Teimaz Shahverdi
    Publication: 264 pages, 204 illustrations, German/English, Kerber Verlag
    Special price during exhibition: €20

    Supported by the Hessische Kulturstiftung, ARTE, British Council and Ambiente. Media partner: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

    Guided tours take place on the hour every hour until midnight.


    ARTE Film Screening "Kleider und Leute"
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

    On this particular night, the Weltkulturen Museum together with cultural TV station ARTE presents documentaries about global fashion from the ARTE series “Kleider und Leute” (Clothes and People). Each film looks at a country’s fashion – introducing traditional dress, leading designers and country-specific streetwear from the Congo to Indonesia and Argentina.

    From 7.30pm to 11pm

    Congo, by Karim Miské
    Argentina, by Fernando Diaz
    Indonesia, by Solenn Honorine and Pierre Caul
    Senegal, by Delphine Deloget and Stéphane Correa
    Iran, by Sonia Kronlund
    Japan, by Hélène Lee
    Lebanon, by Sonia Kronlund

    Documentaries, each lasting 26 mins., ARTE France 2007-2011

    In collaboration with ARTE

    Tickets: 12 Euros
    Advance sales at the museums and advance-sales offices
    At the box office on the day

    Ticket: € 12
    Presale in museums and ticket agencies
    Evening box office

  • Sunday, 5. May 2013 - 14:00 to 16:00
    Visit of the Exhibition "TRADING STYLE" and Mask Workshop with Frankfurt artist Thomas Erdelmeier
    Δ Visit of the Exhibition "TRADING STYLE"

    and Mask Workshop with Frankfurt artist Thomas Erdelmeier

    Together with Thomas Erdelmeier, we explore the exhibition with a special focus on masks from around the world. Then in a workshop we go on a journey wearing masks from the museum’s education collection and make our own masks from everyday materials.

    Thomas Erdelmeier studied painting and graphics at the staatliche Hochschule für bildende Künste, Städelschule in Frankfurt. He works as a freelance artist, teaches at the Akademie für Visuelle Kommunikation and has conducted numerous workshops for the Altana Kulturstiftung.

    For families with kids from the age of 6 years. €6, accompanying adult: €8 incl. entrance fee. Registration necessary.

    Information and registration:, or 069 212 45115

    Weltkulturen Vermittlung
    Schaumainkai 29, 2nd Floor

  • Wednesday, 8. May 2013 - 19:00
    Objects of Desire in Ethnographic Collections"
    With Marie Angeletti, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Azadeh Fatehrad and Olivier Richon

    Objects of Desire in Ethnographic Collections

    With Marie Angeletti, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Azadeh Fatehrad, Olivier Richon.
    In collaboration with the Royal College of Art, London.
    (The artists are present)

    At 7pm on Wednesday 8th May, the Weltkulturen Museum opens an exhibition in the Green Room by four acclaimed international photographers from France, Germany, Iran, and Switzerland. Each artist presents new photographic works produced in April 2013 at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt in direct response to the ethnographic collection and image archive.

    Historically, photography has played an important part in the representation of foreign cultures. From the depiction of racial stereotypes through to the documentation of fieldwork, these photographic records speak of the complexities of the colonial as well as the ethnographic gaze.

    Whilst one is relatively familiar with debates surrounding early anthropological portraits of people, which has not been analysed or discussed to date are the different ways in which ‘tribal art’ and ethnographic objects have been staged in studio photography. Acquired on expeditions to distant lands, once these objects reached the museum in Frankfurt they were allocated a new life: they were dated, photographed and exhibited. Here one encounters another projection of exoticism: ritual masks, statuettes, and even everyday objects are spot-lit to enhance their mystery, coloured backdrops are introduced to evoke dramatic effects, and distance is artificially restored through a theatrical, even auratic, mise-en-scene.

    With this critical understanding in mind, the four guest artists have photographed the very same objects that have been repeatedly depicted since 1965, producing astonishing visual responses that accentuate the montage of meaning, fantasy and desire around ethnographic collections. Further works that can be seen in the exhibition include the photographic visualisation of myths from Latin America, as well as insights into the details of storage methods in the museum.

    Exhibited together, these new works of artistic research created by Angeletti, Blees Luxemburg, Fatehrad, and Richon deconstruct existing presuppositions of cultural contact, photographic history and ethnographic realism.

    Marie Angeletti (*1984, Marseille) lives and works in London. Recent exhibitions include “Mixed Feelings”, Cole London; “Deagu Biennale”, South Korea; “Bloomberg New Contemporaries”, ICA, London; “Vitrine Gallery” London. She has recently worked on “Fabricants Couleurs” a site-specific installation inside a paint factory for Marseille, Culture Capital 2013.

    Rut Blees Luxemburg (*1967, Trier) lives and works in London. Her large-scale photographic works explore the public spaces of the city. Monographs and exhibitions include “Commonsensual”, “Liebeslied/My Suicides” (with Alexander García Düttmann), “Caliban Towers” (with muf architects) and “Piccadilly’s Peccadilloes” (Heathrow airport). She teaches photography at the Royal College of Art, London. Her works are in major international collections including Tate Modern, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, and the Centre Georges Pompidou. (

    Azadeh Fatehrad (*1981, Teheran) lives and works in London. She is a PhD candidate at the Photography Programme, Royal College of Art. Her research is concerned with representation and gender. Exhibition participation includes “An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street” at the Centre for Book Arts (New York, 2012), “Politics and Power” (London, 2011), “World Vision Exchange” (London, 2010), “The Selected works of Iranian Photographers” (Vancouver, 2010). (

    Olivier Richon (*1956, Lausanne) lives and works in London. He is Head of Photography at the Royal College of Art, London. He studied at the Polytechnic of Central London under Victor Burgin and graduated with a degree in Film and Photographic Arts and a Masters in Philosophy on Exoticism and Representation. In 1991, he received the Camera Austria award for contemporary photography. Richon’s photographs have been exhibited internationally and are in several public collections including the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Museum Folkwang, Essen, the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, the Brooklyn Museum, New York and the National Gallery of New South Wales, Australia. His monograph “Real Allegories” was published by Steidl in 2006.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Green Room
    Schaumainkai 37, 60594 Frankfurt
    Tue-Sun 11am-6pm, Wed 11am-8pm

    Information on the artists can be found on this website under labor guests. 

    Green Room, Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Friday, 10. May 2013 - 19:00
    "Traditional Javanese Batik"
    by Haryani Winotosastro (Yogyakarta) and Annegret Haake (Kronberg)
    Δ "Traditional Javanese Batik"

    Talk by Haryani Winotosastro (Yogyakarta) and Annegret Haake (Kronberg)

    Over the course of the centuries, the ancient technique of dyeing textiles using wax was cultivated on Java, Indonesia, and led to the production of outstanding batik fabric suitable for clothing.

    In her lecture, Haryani Winotosastro from Yogyakarta, will discuss different methods of dyeing with natural dyestuffs, which are being used increasingly in batik production. She will present the individual steps in the production of batik examining both completely hand-drawn fabrics as well as those to which wax is applied by hand using stamps. Annegret Haake from Kronberg will speak about traditional patterns and their meanings. In Central Java, for example, some motifs have a protective function. Other patterns are produced exclusively in order to embellish those who wear them, particularly along the northern coast, which was exposed to foreign influences.

    Traditional costume is still worn on ceremonial occasions on Java today. It consists of a piece of cotton measuring 1 x 2.4 metres decorated in the batik technique, and a jacket worn both by men and women. This festive dress is rounded off by a turban-like headdress for the men and a typical knot hairstyle for the women. Today, the Indonesian market is flooded with cheap printed textiles from China and Malaysia, which compete with the traditional batiks. The lecture will also take this development into account, and demonstrate how to recognise imitation batik from original batik.

    In English.
    €3/reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

    In English.
    €3 / reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Saturday, 11. May 2013 - 14:00 to 17:00
    "Canting Batik"
    with Haryani Winotosastro and Annegret Haake
    Δ "Canting Batik"

    Workshop mit Haryani Winotosastro und Annegret Haake

    Under expert guidance, participants will learn how to use original tools from Java and batik their own pieces.

    In English with German translation.
    €18 / reduced €9. Registration necessary.
    Weltkulturen Education, Schaumainkai 29, 2nd Floor

  • Sunday, 12. May 2013 - 11:00 to 18:00
    "Märchen zum Mitmachen" Workshop with Ester Leibnitz
    Guided Tours of "Trading Style"

    "Von Traumdieben und Regenzaubern - Märchen zum Mitmachen" - Workshop with Ester Leibnitz

    Weltkulturen Education, Schaumainkai 29, 2nd floor

    Stories about miracles and the fantastical are being written and told everywhere in the world. They tell about magical creatures, brave children and big adventures. Where did they originate from and how did they evolve? Are they really only stories or is there some truth behind them?

    At the Weltkulturen Museum children can explore the world of fairy tales and transform themselves into magical beings.

    For children between 5 and 10 years.
    Cost: €6. In German. Registration necessary. 069 212 45115 or
    Weltkulturen Museum, Weltkulturen Education, Schaumainkai 29, 2nd Floor


    Guided Tours of the exhibition "TRADING STYLE – Weltmode im Dialog"

    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

    Spanning global street styles through to Black Forest wedding hats and ceremonial dress from the Highlands of New Guinea, TRADING STYLE presents a creative dialogue between over 500 historic objects, photographs and films from the Weltkulturen Museum’s collection and new designs by the international fashion labels: Buki Akib (NG), A Kind of Guise (DE), CassettePlaya (UK) and P.A.M./Perks and Mini (AU). Artistic Director: Teimaz Shahverdi.
    Publication: 264pp, 204 illustrations, German/English, Kerber Verlag. Special price during exhibition: €20.

    Supported by Hessische Kulturstiftung, ARTE, British Council and Ambiente. Media Partner: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

  • Thursday, 16. May 2013 - 19:00
    "Palace Museums in India – Rediscovering Objects, Cultures, Memories"
    by Pramod Kumar KG (New Delhi)
    Δ "Palace Museums in India – Rediscovering Objects, Cultures, Memories"

    Talk by Pramod Kumar KG (New Delhi)

    The artworks and private collections in the palace museums of the Maharajas in India have so far been inaccessible to the general public. Pramod Kumar KG has now begun to do an inventory of these artworks and photographs from the colonial era and to develop concepts for their future preservation and use. Pramod Kumar KG illustrates his talk about the discoveries he has made inside Indian private palaces with numerous exceptional photographs.

    Pramod Kumar KGis an art historian and the Managing Director of the Delhi-based Eka Cultural Resources & Research - India's first museum consulting company. He was the Associate Director of the Alkazi Foundation, which holds the Alkazi Collection of Photography. In 2005, he set up the Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing. During his tenure as the Director of the Jaipur Virasat Foundation, Pramod Kumar KG organised the Jaipur Heritage International Festival and, in 2005, founded the Jaipur Literature Festival. He is the Consulting Editor from India for the Textiles Asia Journal and is the author of “Posing for Posterity – Royal Indian Portraits” (2012, Roli Books).

    In English.
    €3/reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

    In English.
    €3/reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Friday, 24. May 2013 - 19:00
    "La Javanaise"
    by Wendelien van Oldenborgh (Rotterdam)
    Δ "La Javanaise"

    Film Screening and Talk by Wendelien van Oldenborgh (Rotterdam)

    Artist Wendelien van Oldenborgh presents her film "La Javanaise", which investigates links between the Dutch textile industry, former colonies in Southeast Asia and the current market in African textiles.

    In English.
    €3/reduced €1.50 incl. refreshments.
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
