October 2017

  • Sunday, 1. October 2017 - 15:00
    “AND THE BEAT GOES ON...Barkcloth from the Collections of the Weltkulturen Museum”
    With Matthias Claudius Hofmann (ethnologist and research assistant)

    “AND THE BEAT GOES ON...Barkcloth from the Collections of the Weltkulturen Museum”
    With Matthias Claudius Hofmann (ethnologist and research assistant)

    Textiles made from tree bark have a long tradition in the arts around the world. In Oceania, eighteenth-century European explorers were fascinated by the large panels of barkcloth, often printed or painted with abstract patterns. But producing textiles from the inner bark of trees is also a widespread practice in parts of Africa, in South America and South-east Asia. Matthias Claudius Hofmann offers a fascinating insight into this alternative textile production technique, and outlines the significance of barkcloth in everyday life, rituals and art.

    Further information about the exhibition AND THE BEAT GOES ON... here.

    €3 / €1,50
    Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Wednesday, 11. October 2017 - 19:00
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”

    Entre Terra e Mar.Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art
    Opening: Wednesday, 11th October, 7pm

    The Weltkulturen Museum presents contemporary interventions and works fusing the political and lyrical by the internationally renowned artists Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23.
    The exhibition is the culmination of the museum’s many years of activities and research investigating the Afro- Brazilian and indigenous aspects of Brazil’s art and culture. It provides a new impetus in present perceptions of transatlantic art processes between Africa, Europe and America. This is especially evident in the artists’ encounters with objects from the museum’s South America and Africa collections. Their selection of objects, which is also on display, offers a fascinating insight into their own concerns and interests.

    In large-scale installations, video works, photographs, sculptures and performances, both artists address and explore the power of historical events from the era of slavery and colonial rule – a power once emanating from Europe. Even now these events affect the lives of the descendants of Afro-American slaves in the diaspora as well as indigenous Guaraní in South America’s conurbations. This transatlantic, transtemporal ‘betweenness’ forces them into a life in transit.
    Using participative methods, Rigo 23 realises art projects with the Guaraní in Brazil, which reflect the Guaraní’s creativity and spirituality, and have a strong political message. These are works testifying to how ‘marginalised peoples’ always were and still are actors with their own agency.
    Ayrson Heráclito connects his art with the aesthetics of urban Afro- Brazilian culture and religion, which he reads as expressing a form of resistance, self-assertion and preservation of the culture of the slaves. Both artists highlight how art and culture empower survival in transit. With their own individual focuses, Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23 explore issues raised by the marginalisation of others temporally and spatially. Their works are dedicated to historical sites testifying to hegemonic memories, and inequalities.

    The exhibition is supplemented by loans from the Museu Coleção Berardo (Lisbon), the Galeria Tapeçarias de Portalegre and from the private collections of both artists.

    The exhibition idea and design were developed in a process of dialogue between the curators and ethnologists Dr. Mona Suhrbier (curator Americas, Weltkulturen Museum) and Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil) and the two artists.

    A richly illustrated accompanying publication with essays and articles as well as interviews with Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23 will be published by Kerber Verlag in English and German.

    Welcome: Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (City councillor, City of Frankfurt am Main), Dr. Eva Ch. Raabe (Acting director and curator Oceania at the Weltkulturen Museum), Maria Clara Duclos Carisio (Consul-General of Brazil in Frankfurt);
    Introduction: Dr. Mona Suhrbier and Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (Curators of the exhibition)
    Short welcoming speeches: Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23 (Artists of the exhibition)

    With the performance “BURUBURU” by Ayrson Heráclito: The performance represents a sacral purification ritual, that plays an important role in the religion of the Candomblé and aims to banish negative energies.

    Exhibition dates
    12th October 2017 – 26th August 2018

    More information about the exhibtion here.
    The events at the Weltkulturen Museum from October until December 2017 here.

    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29, 60594 Frankfurt am Main

    With the kind support of:




    Media partner:

    Bernhard and Elisabeth Durschlag

    Opening: Free
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Friday, 13. October 2017 - 16:30
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”
    With Ayrson Heráclito (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil)

    Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art

    Ayrson Heráclito, participating artist of the exhibition "Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”, gives exclusive insights into his artistic work and the ideas as well as concepts, that accompany his process of work.

    The Weltkulturen Museum is presenting contemporary interventions and works fusing the political and lyrical by the internationally renowned artists Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23. The exhibition is the culmination of the museum’s many years of activities and research investigating the Afro-Brazilian and indigenous aspects of Brazil’s art and culture, and it provides a new impetus in present perceptions of transatlantic art processes between Africa, Europe and America. This is especially evident in the artists’ encounters with objects from the museum’s South America and Africa collections. Their selection of objects, which are also on show in the exhibition, offers a fascinating insight into their own concerns and interests.

    Ayrson Heráclito connects his art with the aesthetics of urban Afro- Brazilian culture and religion, which he reads as expressing a form of resistance, self-assertion and preservation of the culture of the slaves.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    In Portuguese with German translation
    7€ / 3,50€
    Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Saturday, 14. October 2017 - 15:00
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”
    With Dr. Mona Suhrbier

    Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art

    Curator Dr. Mona Suhrbier talks about the working process with Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo23 (participating artists of the exhibition) and guides through the exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art” out ouf the perspective of a curator.

    The Weltkulturen Museum is presenting contemporary interventions and works fusing the political and lyrical by the internationally renowned artists Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23. The exhibition is the culmination of the museum’s many years of activities and research investigating the Afro-Brazilian and indigenous aspects of Brazil’s art and culture, and it provides a new impetus in present perceptions of transatlantic art processes between Africa, Europe and America. This is especially evident in the artists’ encounters with objects from the museum’s South America and Africa collections. Their selection of objects, which are also on show in the exhibition, offers a fascinating insight into their own concerns and interests.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Sunday, 15. October 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00
    Sunday, 15th October, 3-5pm
    ”May the Orixá be with you!”

    May the Orixá be with you!

    The Orixá, the deities in the Candomblé religion in Brazil, all have different qualities - Ogum, for example, the Orixá of iron, stands for technology and logical thought; in contrast, Yemanjá, the Orixá of the sea, plays a dominant yet also protective role. What other Orixá are there and which qualities and stories are associated with them? And why were the Orixá forbidden for so many years - and yet still survive today? We want to find out how the followers of the Candomblé religion can pacify and strengthen their Orixá, and what the Orixá offer people in return. Is it possible to find a personal helper to support and help us in the ups and downs of everyday life?

    Further information about the exhibiton here.

    For children from six years old.
    €6. No registration required
    Weltkulturen Education, Schaumainkai 29

  • Wednesday, 18. October 2017 - 18:00
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”
    With Dr. Jane de Hohenstein

    Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art

    Curator and ethnologist Dr. Jane de Hohenstein talks about the working process with Ayrson Heráclito (participating artist of the exhibition) and guides through the exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art” out ouf the perspective of a curator.

    Ayrson Heráclito strives for harmony between political themes and poetic ways of expression in his installations, performances, videos and photographs that deal with the cruelty of slavery in Brazil and its lasting effects. His art portrays religious and political forms of resistance by the formerly enslaved Afro-Brazilians to show that pain, misery and violence can be transformed into redemption and, therefore, beauty. The past will never pass but liberation is possible.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Thursday, 19. October 2017 - 19:00 to 22:00
    “The Sacred in the world and the Museum. Native American Religions and their Display”
    With Christian Feest (Ethnologist, Altenstadt)

    Religious ideas and practices are an integral part of the life of many native societies in North America, and have a crucial role in endowing the world with meaning. For this reason, it is essential to explain such ideas and practices in any museum's presentation of 'Native American culture'. Given the limited holdings of most collections, though, this objective is difficult to put into practice. Moreover, such displays are often challenged by the followers of these religions who object to their sacred beliefs and mysteries being transformed into a show in sacral surroundings. Over the last decades, these issues have gained an added political dimension as many indigenous peoples assert their rights over their own traditions.

    For many years, Christian Feest was curator and director of the Museum of Ethnology in Vienna and Professor of Ethnology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. He is one of the leading experts on indigenous North American societies and has curated many exhibitions.

    In German
    5€ / 2,50€.
    Weltkulturen Friends pay the reduced price
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Sunday, 22. October 2017 - 15:00
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”
    With Dr. Jane de Hohenstein

    Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art

    Curator and ethnologist Dr. Jane de Hohenstein talks about the working process with Ayrson Heráclito (participating artist of the exhibition) and guides through the exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art” out ouf the perspective of a curator.

    Ayrson Heráclito strives for harmony between political themes and poetic ways of expression in his installations, performances, videos and photographs that deal with the cruelty of slavery in Brazil and its lasting effects. His art portrays religious and political forms of resistance by the formerly enslaved Afro-Brazilians to show that pain, misery and violence can be transformed into redemption and, therefore, beauty. The past will never pass but liberation is possible.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Saturday, 28. October 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00
    “Satourday: Of Searching and Finding“

    “Satourday: Of Searching and Finding“

    In the exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar”, we look for those things we only notice at second glance, but which leave temporary traces in the exhibition space.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    For families with children from six years old.
    Free entry. Registration required
    Weltkulturen Vermittlung, Schaumainkai 29
