Wednesday, 5. May 2021 - 19:30 - 20:30
with curator Matthias Claudius Hofmann (curator Oceania) and co-curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski (curator Southeast Asia)
Our world is full of colour, but do all cultures see it in the same way? While the scientific basis for perception is identical for everyone, light waves can’t really explain how we name our impressions of colour, the number (and kind) of categories we divide these colours into, or the meanings and associations we ascribe to them.
Using various objects from the exhibition, curator Matthias Claudius Hofmann and co-curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski show how perception of colour sometimes differs enormously depending on the language and culture involved.
Zoom lecture and talk.
Free of charge.
Please book in advance until 5th May, 12 pm:
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Wednesday, 12. May 2021 - 19:30 - 20:30
“HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”
Zoom lecture and talkΔ ONLINE CURATORS’ GUIDED TOUR“HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”
with Julia Albrecht and Stephanie Endter, Curators of the exhibition, Weltkulturen Education
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT provides an opportunity to see or hear things from (potentially) unfamiliar perspectives. Combining objects from the collection with five artistic responses to the matter, the exhibition takes a critical stance to colonialism and its consequences, which are still felt today.
Julia Albrecht and Stephanie Endter will have a conversation about the thematic focuses of the exhibition and how they approached it as curators. The tour will also show various views and close-ups of the exhibition. The conversation will take place on Zoom.
Free of charge.
Please book in advance until 12th May, 12 pm:
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Wednesday, 19. May 2021 - 19:30 - 20:30
“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
Zoom lecture and talkΔ ONLINE GUIDED TOUR“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
with Claudia Gaida and Severine Meier
Our world is full of colour, but do all cultures see it in the same way? While the scientific basis for perception is identical for everyone, light waves can’t really explain how we name our impressions of colour, the number (and kind) of categories we divide these colours into, or the meanings and associations we ascribe to them.
Using various objects from the exhibition, Claudia Gaida and Severine Meier show how perception of colour sometimes differs enormously depending on the language and culture involved.
Zoom lecture and talk.
Free of charge.
Please book in advance until 19th May, 12 pm:
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Thursday, 20. May 2021 - 19:00
“Why do we need a Weltkulturen Museum?”
With Dr. Eva Raabe and Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn.
The discussion is chaired by Michael Hierholzer from the F.A.Z. newspaper.Δ ONLINE TALK“Why do we need a Weltkulturen Museum?”
A discussion of the role of anthropological museums in the 21st century
With Dr. Eva Raabe and Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn.Are anthropological museums old-fashioned and antiquated profiteers of colonialism? Founded over 100 years ago, they were intended to facilitate research and present the ‘Other’. Today, though, the basis of their work is often fiercely criticised. Many museums have reacted by renaming themselves, e.g., as a Museum of World Cultures, developing innovative ideas and redesigning permanent collections. Yet as the debate over Berlin’s Humboldt Forum shows only too clearly, the crisis of anthropological museums is still far from over. They are searching for their role in a globalised world and grappling with their tasks in the twenty-first century. What do we need anthropological museums for? What should they be exhibiting? Why is an anthropological museum important for a city? How ought we to approach and engage with colonial art and artefacts? Should all objects from the colonial period be returned?
These and other questions will be discussed by Dr. Eva Raabe, the new Director of Frankfurt’s Weltkulturen Museum, and Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn, Goethe University Frankfurt on invitation of Kuratorium Kulturelles Frankfurt e. V. Dr. Eva Raabe studied cultural anthropology, wrote her doctoral thesis on New Guinea’s cultural and settlement history, and joined the Weltkulturen Museum as a curator in 1985. In 2011, she was appointed Deputy Director and, following the departure of Clémentine Deliss four years later, became Acting Director. Since 2019 she is Director. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn, Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, specialises in material culture, anthropological museums, consumption, migration and mobility. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Board for the Humboldt Forum’s ethnological collections and Chairperson of the Association for African Studies in Germany.
The discussion is chaired by Michael Hierholzer from the F.A.Z. newspaper.
The talk is streamed live on the YouTube channel of the Kuratorium Kulturelles Frankfurt e.V.
It can be viewed at any later time.
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Sunday, 23. May 2021 - 16:00 - 17:00
“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
Zoom lecture and talkΔ ONLINE GUIDED TOUR“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
with Berit Mohr and Iris Loew
Our world is full of colour, but do all cultures see it in the same way? While the scientific basis for perception is identical for everyone, light waves can’t really explain how we name our impressions of colour, the number (and kind) of categories we divide these colours into, or the meanings and associations we ascribe to them.
Using various objects from the exhibition, Berit Mohr and Iris Loew show how perception of colour sometimes differs enormously depending on the language and culture involved.
Zoom lecture and talk.
Free of charge.
Please book in advance until 23rd May, 12 pm:
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Wednesday, 26. May 2021 - 18:30 - 21:00
“What is this doing here?”
As part of the exhibition “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”Δ ONLINE WORKSHOP FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS“What is this doing here?”
with Julia Albrecht (Weltkulturen Education and curator of the exhibition), Leonie Neumann (curator Africa collection) and Frauke Gathof (Research assistant Africa collection)
How did the objects become part of the Weltkulturen Museum, and under what circumstances? In the workshop “What is this doing here?” we undertake a critical exploration of the stories of several objects in the museum collection, looking at their background and how they were acquired. These objects are closely intertwined with colonial history in Germany.
The participants will gain insights into the debate on ownership and demands for restitution in an ethnological collection, and in group discussions they will then work out a potential stance on the issue.
Online-Workshop via Zoom
As part of the exhibition “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”.
Please book in advance: or 069 212 39898
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Saturday, 29. May 2021 - 15:00 - 17:00
Satourday “Where does the diverse in diversity come from?”
As part of the exhibition “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”Δ ONLINE WORKSHOP FOR CHILDRENSatourday “Where does the diverse in diversity come from?”
There are lots of stories stored in the museum – and you can only discover some of them when you change the way you look at things.
In the workshop we go virtually through the exhibition HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, follow the trail of these diverse tales and capturing our impressions in images and stories.
Online workshop for families with children from 6 years old.
Free of charge
Please book in advance: oder 069 212 39898
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Saturday, 29. May 2021 - 15:00 - 16:00
“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
Zoom lecture and talkΔ ONLINE GUIDED TOUR“GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour coding worlds”
with Berit Mohr and Severine Meier
Our world is full of colour, but do all cultures see it in the same way? While the scientific basis for perception is identical for everyone, light waves can’t really explain how we name our impressions of colour, the number (and kind) of categories we divide these colours into, or the meanings and associations we ascribe to them.
Using various objects from the exhibition, Berit Mohr and Severine Meier show how perception of colour sometimes differs enormously depending on the language and culture involved.
Zoom lecture and talk.
Free of charge.
Please book in advance until 28th May, 12 pm: