September 2021

  • Sunday, 5. September 2021 - 19:30
    with the artist and filmmaker Kitso Lynn Lelliott, Julia Albrecht, one of the curators of the exhibtion “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”, and the Frankfurt galerist Sakhile Matlhare from the art gallery Sakhile&Me

    with the artist and filmmaker Kitso Lynn Lelliott, Julia Albrecht, one of the curators of the exhibtion “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”, and the Frankfurt galerist Sakhile Matlhare from the art gallery Sakhile&Me

    Kitso Lynn Lelliott talks about the background of her video  “What is remembered… not only the footprints but the water too” (Video, 4:29 Min., Johannesburg, South Africa, 2013 ), which was presented as part of the exhibition “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. From Being Rendered Invisible and Becoming Visible”. She will also share some insight into her other video/installation projects. Kitso Lynn Lelliott lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    The work “What is remembered…” which is shown in the exhibition is part of the video installation Transatlantic Saudades, which was created during an artist residency in Brazil. In her work, Lelliott examines the relationship between knowledge, power and memory. What knowledge is preserved and what or whose knowledge and traces are erased in the process? The idea of memory is used as a vehicle through which to connect the personal experiential with broader historical narratives.

    Kitso Lynn Lelliott‘s work has been shown at film festivals and exhibited in galleries and museum shows around the world including the Iwalewahaus Bayreuth and the Johannesburg Art Gallery.

    We will watch the Video “What is remembered… not only the footprints but the water too” at the beginning of the talk.

    The Zoom talk will be held in English.

    Please register via E-Mail

  • Saturday, 18. September 2021 - 11:00 - 16:00
    Experiencing the “blue wonder”: workshop on dyeing with indigo
    With a tour of the exhibition “GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour Coding Worlds​”

    Experiencing the “blue wonder”: workshop on dyeing with indigo

    Using leaves from the indigo plant to create a blue dye is an ancient cultural technique which has been probably known about since the third century BCE. As late as the nineteenth century, indigo was one of the most important substances for dyeing textiles. This “colour from India” has played a significant role in many different places – whether it was expanding the British empire or in the dispute among blueprint dyers in Europe. Parallel to the invention of riveted trousers, synthetic indigo was successfully produced around 1870; when the two were combined the result was blue jeans.

    After visiting the exhibition “GREEN SKY, BLUE GRASS. Colour Coding Worlds” we will take the fabrics that participants have brought along and dye them indigo blue, in the process observing the change in colour from yellow to blue that occurs in contact with the air.

    To ensure a wide range of patterns we will prepare our textiles before they are dyed, using batik and tie-dye techniques. The course includes background information that will serve as the basis for a conversation on batik, reserve techniques and indigo dyeing, along with a critical (post-)colonial classification of these cultural techniques. 

    Please bring along fabrics, items of clothing or thread from natural fibres such as wool, cotton or linen, possibly hemp (maximum of 500–600 grams)

    € 21 / reduced € 10.50
    Please register via the booking button “TERMIN BUCHEN”. The number of participants is limited.
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29
