Thursday, 24. October 2019 - 11:00 to Sunday, 31. January 2021 - 18:00
∇ WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration
People have always been on the move, all around the world. As they move, they also take with them their lifestyles, language, music, and arts and crafts.Δ WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating MigrationExhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2019
Altar figure, Madonna, the goddess of the sea Yemanjá, collected by Jane de Hohenstein and Mona Suhrbier, 2008, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2019
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
Milli Bau’s VW camper with Mount Ararat in the background, eastern Anatolia, Turkey, slide. Photo: Milli Bau 1956
Wood sculpture, unknown artist, Angola, collected by Fritz Richter and officer Moerschell, 1892-96, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2019
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
Part of an ancestor altar, tavu, Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia, collected by Wilhelm Müller-Wismar, 1913-1914, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2019
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
Ancestor figure, Korwar, Geelving Bay, northwest coast of New Guinea, purchased by art trade Aaldering, 1941, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 201
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
Exhibition view “WORLDS IN MOTION. Narrating Migration” at the Weltkulturen Museum 2019. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel
People have always been on the move, all around the world. As they move, they also take with them their lifestyles, language, music, and arts and crafts. Much of what is reputedly ‘authentic’ for a culture turns out, at second glance, to be an ‘import’. Starting from its own collections, the Weltkulturen Museum raises associative questions highlighting how the world’s diversity of cultures has always existed in a process of exchange. From historical settlement movements, labour migration or globalisation – people and their diverse cultures have always been in a process of constant exchange. Is migration really only a reaction to or a cause of problems – or far more a key driver for new forms of community in a constantly changing world?
Artists and participants:
Adams Bodomo, Behrouz Boochani and Arash Kamali Sarvestani, Artist Collective Teru, Shahram Entekhabi, Edzard Herlyn and Thomas Hoeren, Junges Schauspiel Frankfurt, Karinding Keos, Phyllis Kiehl, Ella Knorz, Mansuela, Gora Mbengue, Yasemin Niephaus, José Oliveira, participants of the workshop „stories that matter“, Rajery und 3MA, Safransirup, Wiparat Sukatorn, Felix Schwarz, Takayuki Tamura, Daniel Traub with Wu Yong Fu and Zeng Xian Fang, Cliff WhitingWeltkulturen Museum
Schaumainkai 29
60594 Frankfurt
€7 / reduced €3.50
schließen -
Wednesday, 7. October 2020 to Wednesday, 21. October 2020
∇ Let Them Speak! Comments from British Columbia, Canada
Exhibition and film. The project is part of the cultural programme accompanying Canada’s hosting of the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair.Δ Let Them Speak! Comments from British Columbia, CanadaTom Hunt, Kwakwaka'wakw, Komokva mask made of cedar wood, 1997, British Columbia, Canada, purchased from the artist after the exhibition “Raubwal und Sonnenfinder” (Predatory Whale and Sun Finder), Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Tom Hunt, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Tom Hunt, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Tom Hunt, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Bowl in the form of a seal, cedar wood, Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1906, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Chilkat blanket made of sheep's wool and cedar, Tlingit, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1963 by Robert, L. Stolper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Meghann O Brien im Interview, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Meghann O Brien im Interview, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Red cedar mat, Haida, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1910 by Robert Garnet Rayment Piper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Christie Lee Charles, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Christie Lee Charles, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Shovel in the form of a hand, Kwakwaka'wakw, British Columbia, Canada, collected 1910 by Robert Garnet Rayment Piper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Exhibition and film
Tom Hunt, Kwakwaka’wakw (sculpture)
Meghann O’Brien, Haida/Kwakwaka’wakw (weaving)
Christie Lee Charles, Musqueam (rap music)
Diana Hellson, Siksika Nation (filmmaker)With Canada set to be the guest country at Frankfurt Book Fair, the special exhibition ‘Let Them Speak! Commentaries from British Columbia, Canada’ was scheduled to take place from 7 to 21 October 2020 in the Weltkulturen Museum. Three First Nations artists would take part: the weaver Meghann O’Brien (Haida/Kwakwaka’wakw), carver Tom Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw) and hip-hop artist Christie Lee Charles (Musqueam). The artists were invited to use their own works to comment on the museum’s historical collection from Canada.
After the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, Canada’s physical participation in the book fair was suddenly thrown into doubt, and those in charge started looking around for digital formats which could act as a substitute. Long story short: the curating team transformed the exhibition into a video project and the Canada Council for the Arts accepted the change. Soon afterwards the artists helped to find the filmmaker Diana Hellson (Siksika Nation).
With her crew from Rudegang Entertainment, filmmaker Diana Hellson will visit the three artists at specially selected locations on Vancouver Island and in Vancouver City. Thus, the film mixes views of a picturesque mountainous landscape with images from a workshop and a sound studio. The film emphasizes the artists' perspectives. They present their own art and comment on individual objects in the collection, which can be seen in the accompanying exhibition. In this way the film combines contemporary, indigenous perspectives on museums with the mainly historical collection of the Weltkulturen Museum.
This project has been developed as a cooperation between Markus Lindner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) and Mona Suhrbier (Weltkulturen Museum). It is part of the culture program related to Canada’s Guest of Honour presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020/2021 and is supported by Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada.
Weltkulturen Labor
Schaumainkai 37
60594 Frankfurt am Main€3 / reduced €1.50
Children and young adults up to 18 years free
Opening times: Tues – Sun, 11am – 6pm, Wed, 11am – 8pm