June 2018

  • Tuesday, 5. June 2018 - 19:00
    ”Storibuk Pairundu. Kewa Folk Tales”(Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea)
    With Alex Yapua Ari (author, Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea) and Prof. Holger Jebens (ethnologist, Goethe University Frankfurt)
    Δ TALK

    In a small village in Papua New Guinea’s Southern Highlands thirteen-year-old Alex in Pairundu met Holger Jebens, who collected and wrote down stories. Inspired by him, Alex Yapua Ari compiled an unusual series of Kewa folk tales. While Alex Yapua Ari may have been trying to copy an anthropologist underway in his society, his tales can also be read as a kind of ‘self-ethnography’. At the same time, they are informed by qualities specific to Alex’s own culture – an essentially pragmatic attitude, a laconic tone of voice, and now and then a dry but winning sense of humour. Soon after he started collecting his stories, Alex Yapua Ari had already thought they could one day become a book, smoothing his path into the world outside. And no matter how unrealistic or even utopian such an idea seemed, it has now become a reality. Nearly thirty years on, their old roles are reversed, and Alex Yapua Ari is underway in Germany, where Holger Jebens, the anthropologist, came from so long ago.

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Thursday, 7. June 2018 - 19:00
    “Sacudimento” and “Buruburu”
    With Ayrson Heráclito (artist, Salvador da Bahia)

    With sacred leaves from cultic practices in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé religion, in his performance “Sacudimento” Ayrson Heráclito cleanses the museum’s rooms of the negative energies of the past.

    Ayrson Heráclito conducts the ritual “Buruburu” cleansing of visitors using popcorn, the sacred food of Omolu, god of illness and healing.

    Cocktails will be served following the performances.


    €5 (incl. Cocktail)
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Friday, 8. June 2018 - 18:00
    “O Jogo de Búzios – The Oracle in Candomblé”
    With Doté Amilton Costa (Candomblé priest and head of the Vodun Zo Candomblé house, Salvador da Bahia)

    Please find here an inrtroduction.


    In Portuguese with translation in German
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
    €5 / €2.50

  • Saturday, 9. June 2018 - 19:30
    “Transmutação da Carne - Transmutation of the Meat”
    With Ayrson Heráclito (artist, Salvador da Bahia)

    “Transmutação da Carne - Transmutation of the Meat
    With Ayrson Heráclito (artist, Salvador da Bahia)

    “The enslavement of black people, inflicting pain and wounds on the entire world, affects all of us. Everyone is invited to attend the ‘transmutation of the meat’. A glowing iron placed on the ‘skin’ (garments of dried meat) awakens primeval memories. Noise, odour and smoke – wounds needing to be transformed by art. We must never forget them. The energy of the spirits of the dead is transmuted into a force revolutionary, positive and transformative. Hearing, seeing and feeling teaches us things which literature and history cannot.”
    (Ayrson Heráclito)

    €3 (incl. little Candomblé wristband)
    Museumspark, Schaumainkai 29-37

  • Sunday, 10. June 2018 - 18:00
    “Black Venus and White Mary. Black and White Women in Cult and Society in Brazil”
    “My Body, my Language. Everyday resistance of black women”
    With Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (ethnologist, Salvador da Bahia) and Nádia dos Santos Aguiar (ethnologist, Gießen)
    “Yemanjá, Goddes of the Sea” (A Film produced by the Weltkulturen Museum 2008)

    In German
    5€ / 2,50€
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37

  • Tuesday, 12. June 2018 - 18:00
    With Doté Amilton Costa (Candomblé priest and maker of exhibited deities’ dresses), Ayrson Heráclito (artist) and Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (curator) from Salvador da Bahia

    With Doté Amilton Costa (Candomblé priest and maker of exhibited deities’ dresses), Ayrson Heráclito (artist) and Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (curator) from Salvador da Bahia

    7€ / 3,50€
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Wednesday, 13. June 2018 - 18:00
    “The gift of poetry: rap as expression of indigenous identity”
    With Arno Holl (research assistent and ethnologist)

    “The gift of poetry: rap as expression of indigenous identity”
    With Arno Holl (research assistent and ethnologist)

    Usually one doesn´t associate rap music with Brazilian indigenous peoples. Yet in recent years Guaraní Hip Hop acts made it even on national television. The tour will track the connection between Guaraní traditions and the medium of Hip Hop by means of exhibits and installations in the current exhibition.

    Further information about the exhibition here.


    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Thursday, 21. June 2018 - 19:00
    “Turning Old into New: Cultural Heritage, Civil Protest and Urban Design in Kyoto“
    With Prof. Dr. Christoph Brumann
    (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

    “Turning Old into New: Cultural Heritage, Civil Protest and Urban Design in Kyoto“
    With Prof. Dr. Christoph Brumann
    (Head of Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle)

    With its temples and shrines, gardens and palaces, the old imperial city of Kyoto is a stronghold of Japanese traditions and a magnet for visitors. Against this background, new building and urban planning projects regularly triggered fierce protests by the town’s residents. During anthropological field research for twenty years now, Christoph Brumann has been observing the local civil society involvement in Kyoto that produced a paradigm shift in urban planning. His lecture traces the developments in Kyoto’s cityscape from standardised modernity to a design rooted in the past emphasising the special nature of the city’s urban structures. In particular, the focus is on the significance of the civil protests and the role of urban traditions for old and new residents.

    In 2007, a more restrictive urban planning was introduced – a measure not driven by, for example, an economic downturn, but by growth in tourist numbers and an influx in people relocating to Kyoto. Does the ‘Kyoto model’ point the way to the future for a shrinking affluent society?

    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
    5 Euro / 2,50 Euro

  • Sunday, 24. June 2018 - 15:00
    “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art”
    With Dr. Mona Suhrbier

    Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art

    Curator Dr. Mona Suhrbier talks about the working process with Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo23 (participating artists of the exhibition) and guides through the exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar. Between Land and Sea. Transatlantic Art” out ouf the perspective of a curator.

    The Weltkulturen Museum is presenting contemporary interventions and works fusing the political and lyrical by the internationally renowned artists Ayrson Heráclito and Rigo 23. The exhibition is the culmination of the museum’s many years of activities and research investigating the Afro-Brazilian and indigenous aspects of Brazil’s art and culture, and it provides a new impetus in present perceptions of transatlantic art processes between Africa, Europe and America. This is especially evident in the artists’ encounters with objects from the museum’s South America and Africa collections. Their selection of objects, which are also on show in the exhibition, offers a fascinating insight into their own concerns and interests.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Wednesday, 27. June 2018 - 18:00
    With Mareike Mehlis
    “Will that last?”

    Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE “Will that last?”

    How can works with paint turning powdery be conserved without touching them? How can leaves be preserved before they wilt? And how do you conserve dried meats that are not all that dry? The Weltkulturen Museum’s conservator offer an insight into her work and constructing a rather unusual exhibition.

    Mareike Mehlis studied in Stuttgart and holds a diploma (equivalent to an M.A.) in the conservation and restoration of archaeological and ethnological artefacts and craftwork objects.

    Further information about the exhibition here.

    7€ / 3,50€. Costs of tour included in admission fee
    Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29

  • Thursday, 28. June 2018 - 19:30 to Sunday, 1. July 2018 - 19:30
    “BOUNDARIES. An Archive of Future Remains”
    28th June until 1st July, 7.30pm

    BOUNDARIES. An Archive of Future Remains”

    The year is 2130: Planet Earth has turned uninhabitable for human life a couple of decades ago. A part of mankind has had the fnancial means to emigrate on Mars. From there they look back and try to fgure out what might have happened on blue marbel, which, surrounded by cold and darkness, still turns around itself by a speed of 465 meters per second. In the Performance Boundaries. An Archive of future remains, a group of researchers looks back on a period which by historians is known as “bordertime”. A time, in which humans were bounded to each other more closely than ever before and still were mainly busy with building walls. It was the moment in which mankind had started to inscribe itself to all circuits of the planet and at the same time was splitting it up into divisions every time deeper. The researchers investigate remains from the period shortly before the planet changed forever: Objects, Images and sounds, traces from this brief moment when everything still seemed to be possible. According to these fnds they try to fgure out what that was: the earth.

    A Performance by andpartnersincrime. Artistic Direction: Eleonora Herder, Dramaturgy: Tim Schuster, Videodesign: Julia Novacek, Stage Design: Anna Sukhova, Sounddesign: Marc Behrens, Live-Sounds: Jan Bam, Performance: Jan Bam, Eleonora Herder, Julia Novacek, Tim Schuster, Saeed Sedaghat, Anna Sukhova.

    Supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.

    €10 / €7
    Weltkulturen Labor, Schaumainkai 37
    Information: www.andpartnersincrime.org and
