Renate Lindner (Weltkulturen Bibliothek) recommends “No other choice?“, a short story by Mariétou Mbaye Biléoma.
The Senegalese author Mariétou Mbaye Biléoma born in 1947 published the short story “Plus d’autre choix?” under the pseudonym Ken Bugul. The tale focuses on the experience of being forced to take flight in the wake of environmental destruction on the Senegalese coast.
Malik, recognising the dangers to humans and nature alike, gets ready to set off. Despite huge doubts, the eighteen-year-old plucks up the courage to leave his country, while dreaming of a better future for himself and his beloved homeland. His ambition is to return as a qualified ornithologist.
23 pages, translated from French by Markus Hediger. Illustrations by Svenja Plaas, Zürich: SJW Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk 2019
Recommended: 16 +
Svenja Plaas: Illustrations for “No other choice?“, a short story by Ken Bugul. Zürich: SJW Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk 2019