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with Antonia A. V. Beeskow (artist, sound designer and performer)

The participants of this workshop will leave the exhibition and go out into the city, where they will be taken on an auditory tour through Frankfurt accompanied by the sounds of their surroundings and pre-produced soundtracks. This audio walk, lasting approximately 90 minutes, portrays the concept of a soundscape as a journey through space and time and alludes to the elements of everyday life at an auditory level. The group will come together once more at the end and discuss what they have just experienced. What does it sound like along the River Main in summer and in winter? How do we listen to our surroundings when wearing headphones, or when simply using our ears? What do we hear – and what don’t we hear?

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Place on workshop: €6. Please book in advance.
Meet at: Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29