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‘The power of maps":  Decolonising Practice at the Weltkulturen Museum
With Stephanie Endter and Julia Albrecht

What is decolonisation and why do we have to deal with it? Why now and at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt? As an institution that was founded in the middle of the German colonial era and which helped shape the image of ‘the others’ for decades, the Weltkulturen Museum today faces the central task of supporting decolonising processes. The workshops deal with the museum's colonial heritage, the current restitution debates and reflect on colonial continuities in our everyday lives.

The second course ‘The Power of Maps’ in the series ‘Decolonising Practice at the Weltkulturen Museum’ poses questions about world maps: Who creates(s) world maps? Which maps do we know? And what influence do maps have on how we see the world? In the workshop, we will look at various map models from the past to the present and scrutinise them for the stories and world views they contain.

The event is part of the series ‘Decolonising Practice at the Weltkulturen Museum’. On three Thursdays, which can be booked independently of each other, the Frankfurt Adult Education Centre is offering workshops in this series with the mediators Stephanie Endter and Julia Albrecht in cooperation with the Weltkulturen Museum. The last event will take place on 8 May.

A co-operation between the Volkshochschule Frankfurt and the Weltkulturen Museum.

Registration via the VHS Frankfurt.

Cost 7€ per person.
Venue: Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29