GREY IS THE NEW PINK - Moments of Ageing
GREY IS THE NEW PINK - Moments of Ageing
Alice Pawlik (ed.): ca. 240 pages, paper back, edition in German and Englisch available at the museum from October 2018. Publisher: Kerber, ISBN: 978-3-7356-0491-0 (D), 978-3-7356-0492-7 (Eng)
Who is old – where and when? Can we meet the ‘challenge of ageing’ optimistically? And what potential lies in the process of ageing? The process of growing older is not just important for each individual, but has implications for the social and cultural spheres. Yet each generation ages differently and each culture has its differences in defining ‘age’. International scientists, artists and poets, as well as younger and older people from the general public address and explore this subject, each in their own way, through photography, film, literature, sketching and drawing.
GREY IS THE NEW PINK combines individual and personal approaches to such topics as lifestyle, love, sex and tenderness, transmission of knowledge, longevity, health, illness, and death to show a multifaceted collection of ways of dealing with ‘growing older’ and the life phase of ‘age’ in contemporary society and in future.
Artists: Ishola Akpo, Ramy Al-Asheq, Femi Amogunla, Naama Attias, Meret Buser, Jess T. Dugan, Vanessa Fabbre, Albino – André Günther, Hartmut Jahn, Günther Krabbenhöft, Britt Kanja, Lars Krutak, Osborne Macharia, Ninette Niemeyer, Raymond Sagapolutele, Patricia Thoma, Karsten Thormaehlen, Jake Verzosa
Edited by Alice Pawlik, Weltkulturen Museum
Texts by Ramy Al Asheq, Stephanie Endter in conversation with Claudia Gaida and Silke Wagner, Julia Friedel in conversation with Ishola Akpo, Jaco Hoffman, Verena Keck, Helena Kiess in conversation with Günther Krabbenhöft and Britt Kanja, Lars Krutak, Ursula Lehr, Renate Lindner und Maria Reith-Deigert in conversation with Christina Niem, Alice Pawlik, Eva Ch. Raabe, Danilo Santos de Miranda and Christina Riscalla Madi, Eunike Sri Tyas Suci, Hilke Steinecke, Mona Suhrbier, participants of the „textgestALTER“ Workshops
Designed by Tania Sívertsen, Amin Keven Schlömer und Ina Beyer, CPP Studios Offenbach
ISBN 978-3-7356-0491-0 (G), 978-3-7356-0492-7 (Eng)
17,00 x 23,00 cm
ca. 240 pages
127 coloured and 18 b/w illustrations
softcover with flaps, paper back
Languages: German, English
Kerber Verlag
Overall production and distribution:
Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld
Windelsbleicher Str. 166–170
33659 Bielefeld, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 5 21/9 50 08-10
Fax +49 (0) 5 21/9 50 08-88
Kerber, US Distribution
D.A.P., Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.
155 Sixth Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Tel. +1 (212) 627-1999
Fax +1 (212) 627-9484