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For kids from 5 years old

  1. Workshops based on the Museum’s education collection

    A wealth of words
    As wise as a tortoise, as unfriendly as a crocodile, or as courageous as Rosa Parks? By reading different stories, children get the chance to find out about how other people live and empathise with their situations . In this workshop we will collectively explore a selection of children’s books and stories found in the Weltkulturen Library. The participants will be able to take on the roles of characters in the books by reading out loud expressively and using gestures, collectively improvising a reading performance. The story will be read out to children who can’t yet read themselves. Duration: 2 hours, cost: €6 per person
  2. Workshops based on our current exhibition "Country bin pull'em"

    From words to pictures
    We’re fascinated by myths and stories! First we’ll dive into the exhibition “COUNTRY BIN PULL’EM. Looking Back Together” and familiarise ourselves with the impressive images and myths of Indigenous peoples from Northwest Australia. After that we’ll listen to a story and then illustrate it using printing techniques.
    Time: 2 hours
    Costs €6 per person
    Pre-primary and primary school groups. 

    Setting pictures to sound
    Can a work of art produce sounds like a piece of music? Do pictures have a particular rhythm, and can colours be loud or quiet? After the participants of this workshop have familiarised themselves with the meanings of the artworks and rock paintings in the exhibition “COUNTRY BIN PULL’EM. Looking Back Together”, and the stories behind them, they will set selected works to sound, creating their own short musical compositions.
    Time: 2 hours. Costs €6 per person. The workshop will be adapted to suit the age group.
    Pre-primary to upper-secondary groups.