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Cameroon Delegation

A MEETING FOR DIALOGUE - Conversation about potential options for repatriating cultural assets to Cameroon

On the 17th of January members of the Interministerial Committee for the Repatriation of Illegally Exported Cultural Goods, as well as selected representatives of traditional Cameroonian royal families visited the Weltkulturen Museum. Frankfurt’s City Councillor Dr. Ina Hartwig was also present.

Dialogue with Cameroon is a fundamental component of reappraising holdings in German collections which stem from a colonial context – something that German museums view as their obligation.

The museum's collection comprises around 14.000 objects from Africa, of which around 2.000 are from Cameroon and neighbouring regions. The majority of the objects came to Frankfurt during the German colonial period, for example through missionaries, explorers, military officers and dealers. In addition to everyday objects, the collection also contains objects of power, such as a throne and royal pipes from the Grassfields as well as weapons or masks from various regions. The majority of the collection has not yet been exhibited.

Persons in the poto:
Front row from left to right: His Majesty Bruno Mvondo, representative of the Fang-Béti cultural region
Dr Ina Hartwig, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Frankfurt am Main, Mrs Rékia Nfunfu Ngeh, Inspector General of the Ministry of Arts and Culture, representative of the Minister and head of the delegation
Second row from left to right: Dr Hugues Heumen Tchana, Director of the National Museum
Dr Basile Kenmogne, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Relations
Third row from left to right: Dr Mona Suhrbier, Acting Director, Weltkulturen Museum
Dr Esther Olembe, Director of the National Archives
Fourth row: Julia Friedel, Curator of the Africa Collection, Weltkulturen Museum
Fifth row from left to right: Honourable Nouhou Hamidou, representative of the Sudanese-Sahelian cultural region, Mr Élie Ngompe Kapen, representative of the services of the Prime Ministry
Sixth row: Mr de Bangoua Legrand Tchatchouang, representative of civil society