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Tacana and Tsimane

Tacana and Tsimane Indigenous researchers from Bolivia visited the Weltkulturen Museum. As part of the project "Heritage and Territoriality: Past, Present and Future Perceptions of the Tacana, T'simane and Waiwai' at the University of Bonn, they studied objects from the museum collected in Bolivia in 1952 by anthropologist Karin Hahn-Hissink. Our curator of the Americas and acting director, Mona Suhrbier, accompanied the group, along with former museum curator Mark Münzel. We were very delighted with the exciting exchange and the increase in knowledge!

Group Photo:
Front row from L to R: Ariel Pache (Investigador Indigena Tsimane’ CRTM); Gladys (Tejedora Tacana, CIPTA); Max Ecueibary (Representante Tacana CIPTA); Lucía Canare (Tejedora Mosetén, CRTM); José Caimani (Tejedora Mosetén, CRTM).

On the stairs from L to R: Juan Gabriel Supa (Investigador Indigena Tacana CIPTA); Felipe Gomez (Universität Bonn); Milton Marupa (Investigador Indigena Tacana OCITB); Fernanda Diaz (Weltkulturen Museum); Lesly García(Universität Bonn); Mona Suhrbier (Direktion Weltkulturen Museum); Viola Mautsch (Universität Bonn); Kantura Lara (Antropóloga Wildlife Conservation Society); Karoline Noack (Universität Bonn) Maria-Angelika Eckl (Universität Bonn); Carla Jaimes Betancourt (Universität Bonn); Fernanda Ruiz (Universität Bonn); Kodiak Aracena (Universität Bonn).
Photo: Claudia Bodens